Avatar SDK UE Plugin

Avatar SDK allows you to create personalized avatars from selfies. Avatar SDK UE Plugin contains a set of tools for convenient usage of Avatar SDK Web API in Unreal Engine 4 applications. All of the plugin’s functionality is available in Blueprints and C++. The UE4 project distributed with the plugin contains the sample scene that demonstrates basic functions of the plugin: setting parameters, generating an avatar, downloading the result, displaying it on the scene, applying available morph poses and haircuts.
Most of the sample functionality is implemented in the “MyAvatar” actor blueprint. To run the sample application you need to provide your App Client ID and App Client Secret available in your AvatarSDK account at https://accounts.avatarsdk.com/developer/
Please, set these parameters in the corresponding fields of the AvatarSDKConnection structure, which gets constructed in the “Initialization” section of “MyAvatar” blueprint:
When the sample is started, you need to
- Select the desired pipeline subtype for your avatar:

Currently the UE plugin supports the “head/mobile” and “bust/mobile” subtypes of the Head 2.0 pipeline. You can find detailed information about the pipelines in the corresponding section of our API documentation: https://api.avatarsdk.com/#available-pipelines
- Upload an image with the “Select Photo” button.
Here are some recommendations to make your avatar look really great:
- The face in the photo should be easily recognizable and not blurry.
- Uniform good lighting is recommended when taking a photo, avoid dark shadows or bright glares.
- A person should keep a neutral facial expression or a slight smile, but without opening a mouth. If teeth are visible on the input photo, the lip texture might have artifacts.
- It’s best to look straight into the camera without turning your neck or eyes.
- We advise removing the glasses because they’re reconstructed only in the texture, not 3D mesh.
The result of avatar generation should look like the following:
We want to thank Epic Games for supporting this product through Epic Megagrant!
Please, feel free to reach us out via support@avatarsdk.com if you have any questions about Avatar SDK, want to share your experience, provide bug reports, or give us feedback on how to make Avatar SDK Unreal plugin better!