AvatarSDK Unity Plugin V. 1.3.0 released!
We’re glad to announce the release of the AvatarSDK Unity plugin v. 1.3.0. We’ve implemented some of the most requested features in both “Cloud” and “Offline” versions of our plugin:
- “Fullbody” sample is now available in both versions. We demonstrate how to automatically attach the generated avatar head to “Neck” and “Head” bones of the arbitrary humanoid rig and how to control the position of the head at runtime with sliders. The code is open, and you’re free to use it for any of your project needs, e.g. to generate NPCs or player characters in your games and VR apps.
- You can now export the generated head to Unity prefab. Try this feature in the “Gallery” sample scene.
- Offline avatar calculation on target device now works on four major platforms: Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. The minimal requirement is 2Gb+ of RAM.
- Generated avatar head can be exported to FBX file, with textures, haircuts, and blendshapes. This file can be imported into the 3D editing software, like Blender or Maya. Fbx export works in Windows Unity editor. MacOS support will be added shortly.
AvatarSDK Offline plugin 1.3.0 has additional new features:
The updated plugin is available on your account page at https://accounts.avatarsdk.com/developer/. We’re eager to receive your feedback! Please let us know if you have any suggestions, questions, or want to request new features. We are always available at support@itseez3d.com.
Happy Holidays! ?
itSeez3D team